The finishing stage of our faith was carried out at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross.
On the cross, our faith received a new story which was the “VICTORY STORY”. At this point (on the cross) our faith received a drastic turnaround, which is the major difference between Christianity and any other religion.
Christianity would not have been different if the works Jesus carried out on the cross weren’t done.
The summary of the works of Christ on the cross was VICTORY, that is;
Mark. 14:43-72; Chapter 15 and Chapter 16, Jesus passed through these 10 stages from His arrest to his resurrection for our Christianity to be made perfect.
a. He was Arrested because of us
b. He was Questioned because of us
c. He was tortured because of us
d. He was mocked because of us
e. He was crucified because of us
f. He was buried in a tomb because of us
g. He was monitored closely because of us.
h. He fought because of us
i. He resurrected.
The statements of Jesus Christ on the cross has significant effect in the life of a Christian.
He made the following statement while on the cross;
- Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? (My God, My God, why has thou forsaken me?) Mk. 15:34
- It is finished, John. 19/30
- Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. Luke 23:46
These three statements were recorded by 3 different authors of the scripture John, Luke, and Mark.
The first statement of Christ on the cross which is also in the form of a question answers the question many Christians ask in Christian Journey.
This statement wrought a great work in our Christian life because it shows that our Christian
life because it shows that we are Christians have been included in the family of GOD and not being forsaken no matter what.
The second statement recorded by John shows that all have been finished before we stepped into the journey i.e we entered into a Victorious Journey; all have been won for us.
We received our healing from sickness through this statement, we received our winning ticket against Satan through this work of Christ exhibited in his words. All was finished and concluded for us.
Therefore, as a believer, we need not to be afraid because Christ has won for us. We are only fighting a won battle.
The third statement recorded by Luke shows that our spirit man becomes dedicated to God immediately we surrender to him and for him.
As earlier said all was perfected on the cross for us. Christ went through this means to give us victory over anything that might want to question our faith.
Summarily, the works of Christ on the cross is highlighted below;
The works of Salvation was completed on the cross
- The works of our atonement was carried out on the cross.
- The work of our exchanged life was carried out on the cross.
- The works of our healing was completed on the cross.
- The works of Grace was carried out here.
Conclusively, a life without an encounter with the cross, is a life that wonders enjoy the finished works of Christ and won’t finish well.
Therefore, locate calvary and enjoy the wonderful things God has in stock for you.